This isn’t the shot I thought I’d be posting today. Because it was chilly and the light was bad I decided to break out the light pad again, and after a bit of rummaging in the garden I cut a spray of flowers from the perennial pea (Lathyrus latifolius) to use as today’s subject. I tried a single selective-focus image of the spray but wasn’t convinced by it, so then I made a six-shot focus stack which I like more – but I still wasn’t quite happy so I went off out again to see if I could find something else.
While I was looking around I noticed that all the sempervivums I have growing in a shallow pot on the patio are suddenly coming into flower, and spotted that this one has somehow created a rather sweet little heart design. This seemed like a nice image with which to finish the week, and thank you for all your kind attention towards several of my photos over the past few days, so I fetched the camera and photographed it in situ. The perennial pea has gone into my light pad album on Facebook if you want to know the technical details, and also onto my light pad page here.
I hope you have a lovely weekend.