“Feather? What feather?” This being concert day I knew I’d have very little time for photography, and I was wondering what the best strategy might be for getting a journal photo, when I glanced out of the kitchen window while … Continued
I had an early blood test appointment at Stratford Hospital this morning, and R sweetly offered to drive me into town. After (very good) coffee and cake in a new independent café called Arcle, we took a walk and caught … Continued
According to the weather forecast we have a major storm incoming, and the elements have been tuning up for it today. R managed to get outside a couple of times for fresh air and exercise before it got too wet, … Continued
Another day of strong winds and intermittent driving rain kept me at home – having watched a blackbird literally clinging to the edge of a patio pot to avoid being blown over, I didn’t fancy my chances of piloting the … Continued