Orange Tip
After lunch I decided to walk around the village to see if I could find any damselflies, none having emerged yet from either of our ponds. I didn’t see any, though I did spot a fresh caddisfly on the marginal … Continued
After lunch I decided to walk around the village to see if I could find any damselflies, none having emerged yet from either of our ponds. I didn’t see any, though I did spot a fresh caddisfly on the marginal … Continued
R and I had a good day with the Boy Wonder today, though there were times when his insistence on being given something he couldn’t adequately describe or indicate, and his frustration at the grandparental failure to read his arm … Continued
R and I have long since given up trying to negotiate the minefield of buying each other an appropriate anniversary present, but every now and then, when we remember, we choose something together to mark the passage of another year … Continued
Several male Orange Tip butterflies have been quartering the village in search of females for a couple of weeks now. This afternoon I spotted a female – the first I’ve seen here – resting on some cow parsley, and I … Continued