The August rollercoaster took another plunge today – it was overcast and not especially warm, and in consequence not much was flying. Because this had put me in a bad mood anyway, I thought I might as well do gardening (eeeurgh), so I got out the secateurs and wreaked vengeance on a Clematis montana and several shrubs that had all got above themselves. That’ll teach them.
R goes a bit funny when I show him photos of spiders (even when I point out the fact that they’re peeping out coyly from under their fringe), so I was surprised when he chose this from my – admittedly small – list of offerings this evening. But he said it was cool, and I doubt I’ll ever receive a more disinterested endorsement than that, so I feel it would be rude to ignore his selection. And it is quite well focused, if I do say so myself. If you’re not arachnophobic, I recommend viewing it full-screen.