Peace was a commodity in rather short supply today chez nous: R and I blitzed the house and put up the Christmas decorations.
I hate cleaning. Especially windows.
Just to make the day a little more interesting, I also did December’s #1day12pics for A Year With My Camera, this shot being one of the twelve. If Father Christmas appears to be wielding his star rather defensively, I think it’s because he was aware from the distinctly unfestive language flying about that I was on the rampage.
Just as I was about to post my twelve on Facebook this evening, my friend J sent me a link to someone else’s tree trimming effort, which puts mine to shame.
Right now I look as though I’ve taken a bath in glitter. It could be an attractive look, on someone forty years younger than me and not wearing a ferocious scowl.
Soooooooooo tired……