Mono Monday: Wayside

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Although today was supposed to be all about office work I did quite a bit of photography too, including a bug hunt and a walk all the way round the village, snapping various sections of verge as possible shots for this week’s Mono Monday challenge. I also tried out the gimbal head I bought last week to replace the unreliable ball head on my old tripod, and was pleased to find that it works well and is very helpful for photographing wildlife.

I then went back to my desk to finish the stuff I was supposed to be doing, which took longer than I’d expected it to – so I didn’t get round to culling and processing today’s shots until after dinner. And what with one thing and another – tricky light, difficult bugs, Lightroom deciding suddenly to refuse to play with Tonality, etc., etc. – I’ve only just come up with a blip and I’m posting really late.

This shot might be a bit of a stretch for “Wayside” – but it does represent the waysides in this village pretty well, because they’re absolutely full of hawthorn blossom at the moment.

I’d also like to say thank you for the reaction to yesterday’s butterfly – I’m delighted that so many of you liked him.