If I’d posted this in colour you’d see the bee against the blue sky we enjoyed here today, but posting it in mono I’m not sure it’s very obvious that I was looking up. I had thought of using the wide-angle to get a sky, or going somewhere interesting and pointing it up at a building, but I was very pressed for time today, so in the end I used the macro and went on an upward-pointing garden bug hunt.
I was hoping to find some hoverflies – I know from the growing excitement in the UK Hoverflies group on Facebook that they’re emerging – but my garden remains a stubbornly hover-free zone. I was even lucky to find this honeybee actually, because the weather was far less spring-like than the light here suggests: there was a cutting north-easterly wind which felt as though it was coming straight down from Siberia, and anything with any sense was keeping to sheltered spots. But I did finally catch a faint buzzing noise over the howling of the wind, and then spotted movement up above my head, and I quickly fired off a set of shots of this busy little bee because I knew she might well be my only subject today – which turned out to be the case. I would like to call her Daphne, but that wouldn’t be appropriate because this is a viburnum.