And goodness knows, we need some.
R and I went to London for another pro-EU demonstration, this one organised by Scientists for EU. It was a much smaller event than the one in March, on which we shuffled forward so slowly within the mass of demonstrators that R’s Fitbit kept pointing out to him that he hadn’t even managed 250 steps in the previous hour. This time we made it all the way to Parliament Square and heard a couple of the speeches, before peeling away and heading back up to Trafalgar Square for some art therapy in the National Gallery.
Given that demonstrating seems to have become a regular part of our lives, I feel we may need to think about improving our presentation: we haven’t come up with any witty slogans for placards, and the nearest we get to a costume is that I sling an EU flag around my shoulders. Today, as well as a good range of placards and banners, there were some excellent costumes (though I never did get to the bottom of why one chap was marching in a full cartoon deer suit), and I felt that this man’s face paint showed real commitment. Though as my own skin now refuses to tolerate even the lightest of bases, just looking at him is making me start to itch.
Perhaps for the next march I should think about acquiring a hat.