“Perfect,” I said. “Stay right there.” Which, happily, he did. It was only as I homed in on him in t’ai chi mode, shooting on burst, that I registered the panting of a small dog, and realised that a terrier and … Continued
It was a heavy, thundery kind of day that conspicuously failed to deliver the rain we needed, but did provide horrible air quality and very poor light. (I blame Remoaners. I mean – why not? We seem to be responsible … Continued
R had to run some errands in Stratford today, and though I’m still suffering badly with Baby B’s cold, I tagged along for the ride in the expectation of an easy Odonata photo opportunity down by the river. In the … Continued
The fierce rain of yesterday cleared overnight, but it was a dull and overcast day, and my mood was appropriately down-beat. I almost talked myself into going out, but the light really wasn’t good enough for bug hunting, and in … Continued