I’m not wholly sure if that’s the right word – I’ve always thought of serendipity as meaning something you find or discover by chance, whereas this is more a happy accident; but fortuity seems ugly, and I can’t come up with anything else as neat.
Anyhoo, what happened was that R and I went to Hillers for coffee this afternoon, and I took a walk through to the bird hide to see if there was anything interesting about. There wasn’t, so I was on my way back through the show garden, spotted these tulips (they have masses of gorgeous tulips – I don’t know how it is that they can get drifts of them to take, while every single bulb I’ve ever planted has disappeared without trace), and rattled off a couple of shots at them without checking my settings – which because I’d been set up for the dark brown environment of the woodland, was at -2/3 stop and shade. As I walked on I glanced at the back screen, saw what I’d done…. and decided that actually I rather liked the result.
The other photo I took today was of a tiny, broken egg shell that we found in the garden at the weekend; it might have worked quite well for Tiny Tuesday, but I wasn’t totally convinced about it. And then R came and looked over my shoulder and said “It’s that one for me” – so the tulips it is. If I hadn’t told you how I achieved it, you could almost have thought that I’d sneaked in and taken it at dusk.