
posted in: Bees, Invertebrates, My garden, Worcestershire | 0

This morning I upgraded the firmware of the R7 – which, as is often the case, turned out to be a much less complicated and scary procedure than I’d been anticipating through all the months I’d spent prevaricating about it. Then I took the camera out into the garden to test it. It was dark and dreary, but mercifully not actually raining, and once again there were four or five plumpies patrolling the pulmoniaria patch, though there was no sign of yesterday’s lone female. Nor was there anything else worth photographing, sadly.

I don’t think I’ve yet got the R7 set up as well as it might be for wildlife photography, and when I have an hour to spare I’ll look at some tutorials on line and check out other photographers’ recommended settings, but I managed some reasonable images today so I was fairly happy with both the camera’s and my own performance. I nearly went with another flight shot for this post, but on balance just preferred this close-up view of one of the boys quenching his thirst from a pulmonaria flower, and neatly demonstrating how this species came by its epithetic common name.