We have some stuff going on right now chez nous, so I don’t have much time for either photography or chatting, but a quick trot around the garden this morning got me this Hairy Shieldbug, and it amused me that … Continued
It doesn’t take long for the male Hairy-footed Flower Bees to lose their bright chestnut colouring and fade to an insipid elegant ash blonde (much like my own). By now they’re hanging around the pulmonaria like a phantom horde, and … Continued
Technically, it wasn’t all that cold today. But it felt cold, and not just to me: extensive trawling of the garden this afternoon harvested just one Hairy-footed Flower Bee, one Buff-tailed Bumblebee, two hoverflies, one weevil, three ladybirds and a … Continued
This morning I upgraded the firmware of the R7 – which, as is often the case, turned out to be a much less complicated and scary procedure than I’d been anticipating through all the months I’d spent prevaricating about it. … Continued