I was driving down the road towards the disused railway line where the Grizzled Skippers hang out, when I realised that another car was tucked into the verge at the top of the footpath, where I’d been intending to park myself. Mild outrage rapidly gave way to amusement, when I spotted the number plate and realised that it was the Hilmobile; and no sooner was I down on the track than Hillyblips and I met up, and walked on to the skipper site together.
It only took us a few minutes to find a couple of the tiny butterflies – and it only took a handful of shots for my battery to die. But once again Hillyblips came to my rescue, lending me one of her spare batteries so that I could carry on shooting. I’ll be very interested to see what she posts this evening – will we be playing blipsnap, or not? If my skippers hadn’t come out well, I might well have blipped this beetle, but I’m happy now that I can tick off the Grizzled Skipper from my list.
By the way, if the Grizzled Skipper were to have a theme song, I think it would surely have to be this, from the late, great Jake Thackray.