It’s always a delight to watch mute swans courting, even though the female, still in her juvenile plumage, looked far too young for this kind of behaviour. However, this is the town that spawned Romeo and Juliet, and this performance was taking place right next to the Royal Shakespeare Theatre, so maybe that makes it OK.
In any case, the relationship wasn’t actually consummated on this occasion: after about five minutes of sinuous dipping and weaving, Juliet (definitely still a teenager) was suddenly distracted by the sight of something shiny – in this case, grain that was being thrown by someone on the bank – and swam off at speed, followed by Romeo. I have to say, I was a little relieved – I’d been thinking that I might have to go and fetch her parents, to give her a bit of a talking-to.
The extra: oh my days – have you seen the look she’s giving him? The little strumpet. No wonder he’s besotted….