Baby fingers

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With a new lockdown in prospect, R and I braved the Welsh border today and scooted down to Cardiff to meet Grandson One. It hasn’t yet been decided whether he’ll have a social media presence (and I certainly don’t envy L and G the responsibility of making that decision), but I sought and received maternal permission to blip the baby fingers if I could get a photo of them. On account of the fact that I’ve essentially been in training for this moment for several years now, it didn’t take me more than about a hundred frames to achieve this shot – though in my defence, Grandad R was doing the Baby Jiggle at the time, and I had to keep telling him to stop while I pressed the shutter button.

I can report that Baby B is coping wonderfully with his parents, and it seems likely that he’ll soon have them fully trained, and their world revolving entirely around him – as of course it should. He has finally decided to name himself – in Welsh – after a Roman emperor, and his demeanour through the visit was pretty much in keeping with that choice. Clearly born knowing that you never get a second chance to make a first impression, he stunned his grandparents into a state of slavish adoration, while himself remaining calmly aloof from all the fuss.

R and I had the best time imaginable with the babe and his parents, and just wish that we lived closer so that we could invade their space more often. Having said which, with the country going into lockdown again from Wednesday through to the middle of February, we’re relieved as well as happy that we decided to flit over to Wales today, as it’s not at all clear when we’ll next be able to get together.

2021 birds:
13 Buzzard
14 Red kite