Pied hoverfly

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Or, tiny technicolour tongue-out Tuesday. I didn’t know whether the main image here was going to display properly – I don’t normally ever crop in as much as I have here, but the focus caught this hoverfly’s head beautifully, even … Continued

Mono Monday: Autumn

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My mother hated autumn. She saw it as a slide towards death and decay, and every year it made her depressed. I, having a very different disposition (and being lazier than she was) view it as a time of rest … Continued

What now?

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“Got your photo? Good. Can I go back to my dinner now please?” It’s been a looooong day – I was still doing admin at 9pm – and I only picked up the camera once, late this afternoon when R … Continued

Normal for Worcestershire

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During all the excitement of this morning, when for a few hours the site was inaccessible, I went off to do some calming gardening and harvested several pounds of blackcurrants. Tomorrow, therefore, I will mostly be making jam. Late this … Continued


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Going over now, but still able to provide lunch for a gang of marmalade hoverflies. This is a male, but I’ve put in a shot I took of a female yesterday as an extra so you can see how differently … Continued

Small tortoiseshell

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I was out in the garden this morning, stalking squirrels with the 70-300 lens, and being thoroughly impeded by the dogs. Arthur: “Hey Mum – is that a squirrel over there? Oh no – it isn’t.” Me: “Arthur, go away” … Continued


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Yes, it’s all highly amusing until he manages to kick your camera lens and get glass in his foot – then suddenly it’s “Health & Safety”, and ambulance-chasing lawyers. That’s the trouble with jesters. This is the last call for … Continued

Marmalade fly

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I went on a bug hunt this morning, and found quite a lot of different types on a neglected Hypericum bush at the back of the pear tree bed. Some were too small for me to get decent images, but … Continued

Mono Monday: Winter

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What does winter mean to me? Well, obviously the Carnival of Venice, which is held in late January and early February, and which R and I have attended every year since 1986. I am already working on my costume for … Continued

Oedemera nobilis

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I’m happy today because I’ve managed to take photos of two bugs that I had never photographed before. The main image (which looks much better large, against the dark background) was taken on our pack walk this morning. I had … Continued