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Firstly I’d like to say a big thank you to everyone who has propelled yesterday’s baby badger (Awwww!!) onto the front page of Pops – I’m very happy that you liked him so much. I find it interesting that although … Continued


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I discovered from Facebook this morning that an osprey has been hanging around a local nature reserve for the past couple of days, and as I was about to go out in that rough direction anyway, I thought it was … Continued


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The forecast warm and sunny weather (which at the time when I booked the osprey hide had been due yesterday) arrived overnight, and I got up to an absolutely glorious day. For the past few weeks almost everyone I know … Continued

Come in number 28…

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Today I made my first attempt at photographing fishing ospreys… and oh my days, is it difficult! I learned a lot though, which I hope will make things easier when I make a return visit to the Horn Mill Trout … Continued

Nice earrings

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I can’t but feel that being shorn must have been a bit of a shock to her, what with it still being perishing cold up in the high Cotswolds. But on the plus side, it has allowed her to show … Continued


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But wait… I can hear you thinking. Wasn’t it finally spring in The Shire yesterday? It was indeed finally spring here yesterday. And then this morning I got up to find that the temperature had halved (really, it’s OK – … Continued


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“I probably won’t go owling today,” I said. “OK,” said R neutrally – having learned a few things over the past 32 years. “Well….” I said, “Anyway, not if I can get a nice bee, or a butterfly – or … Continued

Lift off

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He was lifting away from the ground after a low pass that had netted him nothing. But the extra shows the same owl with a sizeable vole, and that photo was taken only four minutes earlier, so he must either … Continued


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I only have some garden birds and a saturated pulsatilla today, and I’m featuring the long-tailed tit because it’s R’s favourite – but for clear evidence of what the day was like I refer you to the extra. We’ve been … Continued


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A horrible day of grungy, mizzly mist, bringing everyone’s mood (certainly my mood) down to rock bottom. This evening a looooooong and almost indescribably tedious meeting (though R did have to hear a great deal of description when I arrived … Continued