This is the prime season for Common Red Soldier Beetles, though you can find the adults at any time between June and September, and because copulation is a protracted affair, this is the activity in which you most commonly see … Continued
Today was overcast and quite cold, and very few invertebrates seemed to want to be out and about. The black horehound along the old wall at Tilly’s field was empty of Wool Carders, but a few hardy Common Carders and … Continued
Tilly’s field has finally produced a reasonable number of butterflies, including about half a dozen Marbled Whites. Because of this year’s dearth of wild flowers, though, there’s quite steep competition for food among all the nectar-feeding insects, and the black … Continued
At the point when the Wool Carder spotted the red spider mite and turned to look at it, he lifted the spikes at the end of his abdomen in a way I’d have interpreted as threatening if I’d been the … Continued