This morning R and I set to and reclaimed the secret garden, which over the spring and summer had become so overgrown that the inaccessible garden would have been a better nickname for it. I wasn’t sure how far we’d … Continued
This morning R and I set to and reclaimed the secret garden, which over the spring and summer had become so overgrown that the inaccessible garden would have been a better nickname for it. I wasn’t sure how far we’d … Continued
The whole family descended on us today – L arrived first, with the Boy Wonder, then an hour and a half later H turned up from the Frozen North, followed almost immediately by G and the Baby Brother. Just before … Continued
I’m beginning to lose count now, but just based on the number of exuviae I’ve collected, this is at least the tenth successful Southern Hawker emergence this season from our little wildlife pond. That said, for a while I thought … Continued
I was tired after running up and down the garden in the dark for an hour last night, photographing the emergence and eclosure of this female Southern Hawker, so I didn’t wake especially early. Luckily, when I did manage to haul … Continued
The tiny wildlife pond R dug out and installed for me as a Covid lockdown project – it’s maybe four feet by three, and about eighteen inches at its deepest point – has suddenly turned into a bit of a … Continued
I found it very satisfying to step out of my front door this morning, take two steps across the lawn, and find this pretty female Orange-vented Mason Bee (Osmia leaiana) nectaring on the thistle I’ve left there. I wish I … Continued
I spotted this tiny jewel wasp on the pond sedge in the wildlife pond this afternoon, during a brief cloudy spell in an otherwise sunny day. It was running around the gently waving leaves like a thing possessed, and (as … Continued
I had a good day today, invertebrate-wise, and there are several photos in this set that would have worked very well for tonight’s blip, but I’ve decided to use this post to mark the day’s two ‘firsts’: the main image … Continued
Having spent the morning researching mirrorless cameras (but reaching no firm conclusion), and the early part of the afternoon on essential domestic tedium, I didn’t get much time in the garden with the camera today. When I did make it … Continued