Stratford sunset

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I had another full-on day today, and by late afternoon hadn’t taken a single photo. Panic was about to ensue.

Luckily I’d arranged to meet CH in Stratford for an early dinner, so I texted him that I’d be a little late and walked through from Old Town along the south side of the river. With the sun setting and nice light on the water I got a few shots that we both liked; but as I blipped the main entrance to the Royal Shakespeare Theatre a couple of days ago I thought I’d show you the water-side view today.

One of my local friends has told me that from a certain angle the theatre and its tower are supposed to look like a ship sailing on the river – but if you can see that in this shot I’d like half a pint of whatever you’re drinking, please. *Narrows eyes and squints…* Nope – it still looks like a building with a tower at one end to me.

If I can work out where I’m supposed to be going, I’m off to photograph raptors tomorrow. Try to behave till I get back.