I really must stop letting the Boy Wonder play with my camera. He loves fiddling with it, and I like to encourage his interest, but I discovered this evening that he’d reprogrammed it yesterday, and the file size was now so small that I couldn’t crop today’s images. An hour’s work this afternoon, hunting Odonata along the bank of the Avon, thus went largely to waste.
And – breathe…
Fortunately, at the point when I finished processing and discarding all but one of the Odonata images, the sun hadn’t quite set, and there was still enough light on Tilly’s field for me to rush around it in search of other subjects. On any day I’d have been pretty happy to have captured this roosting Marbled White, but after today’s débâcle I’m delighted with him.
Before you ask, though: no, I won’t be going back at 5am tomorrow to try for the dew-covered companion image. In the highly unlikely circumstance that I’m not still stacking zeds, I’ll most probably be slaving over a hot internet connection, researching toy cameras for toddlers.