Off a duck’s back

posted in: Birds, Warwickshire | 0

Horrible conditions down at the river this afternoon: harsh light, a thin, cutting wind, and a heavy swell combined to make life difficult for the waterfowl and the photographer. Still, at least I was crouching beside the water rather than swimming in it; and I’d recently been handed my lunch on a plate rather than having to dive to find it. So – reasons to be cheerful.

“What are they?” asked one of a couple of chaps who’d been standing behind me watching me take photos. I told them, and pointed out the males and female, and they thanked me and walked on, chatting. I didn’t tell them that this is a dwindling group: there were just four left today (down from five a couple of days ago), and I expect these young adults to leave before long as well.

This looks rather better full-screen, if you have the time; and if you’re interested I’ve posted a goldeneye duck in some really lovely light over on my Facebook page.