
I was pretty tired today after all the gadding about of the past three days, but it was warm and the light was good, and not knowing how many days like that we might have left to us this year, I decided that I really shouldn’t waste it. I headed to Trench Wood, but despite the balmy weather there was surprisingly little invertebrate activity going on, and I only found about half a dozen late specimens that were worth photographing. Luckily one of them was this male Aspen Leaf-rolling Weevil, an insect that will never fail to get me squeaking with excitement. If you’ve been reading my drivel for any length of time you’ll probably be able to write a short dissertation by now on this tiny beetle, but if not, please do check out the information here on one of the Shire’s most famous residents.

Technically my second image, of the harvestman Paroligolophus agrestis, is probably the better photo, but R was firm in his view that iridescent weevils trump arachnids, and I think he’s probably right.

R: C5, D17.

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