Having failed to get out in the garden early, while it was sunny and there might have been some easy invertebrate pickings to be had, I was faced with trying to find and photograph reluctant subjects this afternoon, in very … Continued
Having failed to get out in the garden early, while it was sunny and there might have been some easy invertebrate pickings to be had, I was faced with trying to find and photograph reluctant subjects this afternoon, in very … Continued
Well, this was a nice surprise. Not for you, perhaps – “OMG! Not more insects, surely?” (Ed.) – and not for the shieldbug, which was so determined to get away from the camera that after racing around the Viburnum for … Continued
It’s not particularly uncommon, though the Shire is probably towards the northern and western end of its range, and this specimen is a bit battered, but the sight of a Chrysotoxum hoverfly always lifts my spirits. All of them are … Continued
We seem to be heading into a period of unsettled weather – for most of today it was overcast and not especially warm, and by dinner time it was raining. I dare say the local farmers won’t be unhappy about … Continued