It was both foggy and freezing overnight, and if I’d shaped myself and got out in the garden early this morning, I’d have had an extensive pick of frosty subjects at my disposal. But by the time I actually staggered … Continued
I’ve photographed scores of pairs of Oxystoma pomonae seed weevils over the last few years – you probably recognise them if you’ve been reading my ramblings for any length of time – but this is the first time I’ve actually … Continued
After whizzing off to the Farncombe Estate first thing for a haircut, I spent the rest of the morning fossicking around the garden with the twin flash on the camera, seeing what invertebrates I could find. It’s so long since … Continued
Common Froghoppers are highly variable in colour and markings, but most of the ones I see are brown or grey, with just one paler patch about half way along the fore edge of the wing case. For an entirely defenceless, … Continued