Well. I wasn’t expecting this.
The forecast for the day, on the last occasion I’d checked, had been for light cloud but no rain, and this was indeed the situation when I got up. The light wasn’t enticing enough to draw me outside (though I was still vaguely wondering about a trip to Trench Wood), so I spent the morning at my desk, going through the tedious – but ultimately profitable – business of getting a counter-quote for the renewal of my car insurance. It was only when I wandered downstairs for a cup of tea towards lunch time, and glanced out of the tower window, that I realised it was now absolutely heaving down.
Various thoughts went through my head as I stared out at the back garden while waiting for the kettle to boil, most of which aren’t fit for publication, but I did suddenly remember that I’d bought some wild flower seeds which need to be watered in once you’ve scattered them, and I realised that this was a good opportunity to sow the first batch. The bird feeders also needed refilling, and I needed to take a photo, so once the tea was made I gritted my teeth and braved the hostile elephants. By the time I’d completed all my outdoor tasks I was sodden, and it took me about three hours to thoroughly dry out and warm up again.
Had I been a woodpigeon, it’s possible that I’d have filled a paddling pool and sat out in the downpour, blithely getting wet from all angles. When R pointed out this pair to me he suggested that they were courting, and I think he was probably right – leastwise, they were fluffing their feathers and chuntering at each other, and every now and then one of them would peck the other in a vaguely affectionate manner. I think that if they’d had some chocolates and champagne, maybe some gentle music, and perhaps a few candles around the edge of the bird bath, it would probably have sealed the deal.