
posted in: Flowers and plants, Still life | 0

Today being concert day, I didn’t have much time for photography. The rain cleared overnight and there were hairy-footed flower bees in the garden this morning, but the light was pretty poor so they were difficult to capture well, and on balance I prefer this indoor shot of the tulips I bought in Stratford yesterday. The first thing they did when I got them home and put them in water was droop, slumping around the edge of the jug like a bunch of exhausted teenagers, but overnight they perked up, and now I’d say that they’re merely a little slovenly.

This afternoon’s final rehearsal was exhausting enough to make me feel like collapsing in a heap myself, but the old saw that a bad dress rehearsal guarantees a good performance seemed to hold true, because the concert tonight was one of the most enjoyable I can remember. At one point I glanced at R, who was sitting about half way back in the audience, just in time to catch his eye and receive a broad smile that told me everything I needed to know about the performance. I’m tired now, but happy, and I just wish we could go back and do the whole thing again tomorrow.