
posted in: Birds, Warwickshire | 0

I had a satisfyingly effective day of admin and errands, topped off by seeing not just one but two Goldcrests hunting for food in one of the yews in Holy Trinity churchyard. I’m pretty sure that this is a female, but the second bird, which was more secretive and didn’t present itself very well for photos, had a stragglier and darker crest, so I think it was probably a male. And given that they were working quite close together and wittering to each other as they moved around the tree, I’d like to think that they’re a breeding pair. The contact call of the Goldcrest is much more organised, but it’s still very high-pitched and can be difficult to hear unless you’re in a quiet environment.

Given that Goldcrests are sedentary, rarely moving far from where they’re born, it’s hardly surprising that they might be breeding in a place where I regularly see them foraging, but somehow it’s still especially charming. Baby Goldcrests – how tiny must they be?!