Love heart

I set off for Trench Wood this afternoon, got to within half a mile of Bidford, and discovered that the road was closed because some absolute weapon had crashed into the bridge, cracking it down to the water line. This incident actually happened in the early hours of Saturday morning, but R and I don’t follow local media and we hadn’t had occasion to try to use the bridge over the weekend, so this was the first I knew of it. This is the third time Bidford Bridge has been damaged in the last nine years, and as in 2015 it seems likely to lead to months of disruption while repairs take place, and the hundreds of people a day who use it to cross the Avon have to find alternative routes.

Thwarted in my plans for the afternoon, I quickly made the decision to veer off to Barton and take a walk along the river bank, though I didn’t have much hope of getting decent photos because I’d come out with the intention of concentrating on close-up work, and had only brought the macro. This presented an interesting challenge – by which I mean that I spent quite a lot of time muttering darkly at scenes I would have been able to photograph if only I’d had the big lens with me – but time and patience (no, really) eventually got me close enough to a few inverts for some reasonable shots.

This is a pair of White-legged Damselflies (Platycnemis pennipes) in cop. I like the almost perfect heart shape they’ve formed.

R: C4, D12.