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Having said last week that all my split and replanted irises had come through dark purple, I now have some paler ones appearing too, which is fun. This bloom fell victim to some emergency weeding I was doing this morning – I was pulling up goose grass and it dragged the iris stem over, bending it irretrievably. It’s now sitting in water in a champagne flute, having had a couple of dozen macro shots taken of it.

CH chose my two uploads today; this main image was taken with the 31 and 21mm extension tubes stacked on the 85mm lens, and the extra shot was taken at a wider aperture with just the 31mm.

Fashion Advice: For the past three weeks I have been observing teenagers so you don’t have to, and I thought it might help the style slaves among you if I passed on the following fashion observation: though you’re doubtless already sporting the Micro Mini with Heavy Black Ankle Boots look, I would recommend that you don’t tie it together with black opaques – you’ll merely make yourself look half-hearted and apologetic. To cement your position as a trendsetter you must have bare legs, with just a flash of sock (as ugly, dark and masculine as possible) showing at the top of the boot. I know this requires courage, but trust me – you won’t be sorry when your friends are looking you up and down in slack-jawed amazement.

Domestic Engineering Advice: should you happen to throw half a cup of coffee down your front in the middle of the working day (such that you have to take a trip to the Ladies’, remove your white t-shirt, and attack it with water and hand soap) you will be blessed if the facilities include a Dyson Airblade hand dryer, because moving the sodden garment up and down through the air blade for a couple of minutes will dry it enough for it to be reapplied to your person with only mild discomfort. I will be sending this endorsement to Mr Dyson, and if he doesn’t send me an Airblade by return post I shall be highly disgruntled.

Musical Notes: this is today’s Happy Driving Music from my iPod.