
posted in: Birds, Warwickshire | 0

R had to be in Stratford first thing this morning, and I went in later to join him for lunch. Best of the day’s birds was this female Blackbird in Holy Trinity churchyard, who landed so close to me that I couldn’t get all of her in shot. Make of this what you will, but I’ve noticed that while male Blackbirds tend to be reactive and flighty, their females often seem both sturdier and more aggressive. I think I’ll leave that one there.

Back at home I went out to play with my newest garden toy – a pair of Stihl secateurs which are the absolute business. They arrived yesterday afternoon, and in the space of about an hour I pruned all the roses and trimmed several other shrubs that were starting to get above themselves. I also frightened myself half to death with them, because they go through 1″ branches like a warm knife through butter, and I’ve no doubt at all that they’d make just as easy a job of a finger, were you to get one in their way. They’ve therefore gone onto the list of tools I’ll only use when R is on the premises – just in case.

Today I pruned the little wildlife hedge we put in a few years ago between the secret garden and the wild garden, which is now starting to look as if it’s contemplating becoming an actual hedge, rather than just a staggered line of tree whips. I also took some huge brambles down to the ground, and cut up a number of fallen tree branches – all without needing to resort to loppers, and more importantly, without stressing my hands in any way. There are a number of companies making the same kind of powered hand tools now – obviously having spotted that a lot of large gardens are owned by older people, who need all the assistance they can get in keeping them under control – but my research pointed me towards Stihl, and so far I’m more than happy with the three tools I’ve bought from them. They don’t take all the Eeeurgh out of gardening, but they certainly help.

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