But wait… I can hear you thinking. Wasn’t it finally spring in The Shire yesterday?
It was indeed finally spring here yesterday. And then this morning I got up to find that the temperature had halved (really, it’s OK – I know that’s not how it works, so please don’t feel that you need to explain it to me), the sky was a sullen, leaden grey, and there was a hint of mizzle blowing through on a stiff breeze.
As I was in a vile, what-the-hell-has-happened-to-spring mood anyway, I did more gardening (eeeurgh), a sliver of domestic engineering, and some tedious financial stuff. R then sweetly offered a trip out for cake, but I don’t waste good cake on a bad temper, so we stayed home, cooked a nice meal, and sat and chatted over it for a while – at the end of which I discovered that my mood had lifted and I was back to feeling good about life.
I took a late afternoon trip out in search of birds, but found only some partridge and skylarks, so I’m posting a plumpie in appropriately autumnal colours from the front garden this morning.
There’s a rumour that spring may be coming back tomorrow. We’ll see.