I can’t resist a Common Carder-bee – in my opinion, the prettiest of our native species of bumblebee. I also can’t resist a snoozing bee, which this one definitely was, because it stayed exactly there all the time I was chatting to the neighbour by whose front door this plant was growing. I should really have asked what it is, because I’m better with bees than with plants.
BGCC this evening involved a talk by Martin Fry – no, not this one, but the highly-acronymed Cotswolds photographer who took this photo, and who specialises in audio-visual presentations. I enjoyed his lecture, and some of the AVs he showed were very persuasive arguments for AV as an art form; but I somehow know that it’s unlikely that I’ll ever get round to investing in the extra software that’s necessary to produce one – let alone the time that must be involved in learning how to do it. Although, as Martin said himself, AVs are a good way of making use of those shots we all take that aren’t quite good enough to stand on their own merits!