
This is a reasonable representation of what my hair looked like after ten minutes out in the garden this afternoon. It was a really horrible day, but I may yet have to break out the gerberas again as a subject before this storm works through, so I wanted at least to try for an outdoor photo today.

As we seem to be heading rapidly towards winter, I slow-cooked some sausages in caramelised red onion gravy through the afternoon, and served them for dinner with spiced roasted leeks and potatoes, and some green beans. They were delicious, and the smell in the kitchen as they cooked was very comforting. There are some compensations to the cold, dark months!

This evening R and I watched The Social Dilemma on Netflix – this week’s choice for Lockdown Family Film Club. It’s already making me review my social media habits with a critical eye, and if you haven’t yet seen it, I recommend it.