You may not be able to tell, but Roley is watching me from under that fringe. Just in case I might try to leave the room without him, or (worse) eat something without sharing it.
I wanted to feature Arthur today, as he’s the Hound of the Moment – but as you can see from the extra, Arthur was channelling his inner Eeyore. I think the internal monologue went something like: “Yesterday, the vet. With needles. This morning, bathing and brushing. And now, the camera…. I’m going to pretend I can’t see her, and maybe she’ll go away. But with my luck she’ll probably decide to get the whizzy grindy thing and do my toenails. Life…. Don’t talk to me about life….”
I tried to tell him about all the good wishes he’s been receiving from you kind people, but he just sighed heavily and went back to his basket. But I’m grateful, even if Arthur isn’t! Thank you – and of course, I’ll let you know how things pan out.