What with one thing and another, it was after 2pm when I finally made it out of the house – a situation which is never likely to end well, photography-wise, at this time of year. Arriving in Stratford I made … Continued
The crook from which this peanut feeder hangs sports a squirrel baffle. Despite the evidence of this photo, it works quite well – at one stage it felt as though we were spending more money on bird supplies than on … Continued
R and I spent most of the day consolidating our Christmas preparations – checking lists, wrapping gifts, and so on. The weather was dreary, and I was so tired that I doubt I’d have wanted to go out in any … Continued
I had to go to Stratford this morning, to collect a book I’d ordered for the Boy Wonder. I hadn’t asked for rain, or expected it given that the forecast merely threatened cloud, but as I arrived it began to … Continued