Blue Chaser

Wait – what? Blue, you say? But… he’s red…? Well, yes, at the moment he’s red – or reddish, at any rate. But as he matures his thorax will darken through brown to black, his abdomen will acquire a coating … Continued

Brown-eyed boy

My favourite photo of the day is this close-up portrait of an immature male Large Red Damselfly, which I took at my patio pond this morning. His wings had been damaged on emergence, and for a while I feared that … Continued

Guard duty

Male Four-spotted Chasers don’t hover much – they tend to spend their time alternately chasing about after females and rivals, and perching on favoured stems or leaves from which they can keep watch for females or rivals entering their territory. … Continued

Ten for ten

These days I quite often find myself wondering if it might be time to reassess some of my life choices… but never when I’m out photographing Odonata. Realising this morning that my ten-year blipversary coincided with a warm and sunny … Continued