Raptor week

posted in: Birds, Warwickshire | 0

So there I was, sitting in Hiller’ show garden, thinking vague and unconnected thoughts:

There don’t seem to be many birds about today…

Would cake be a good idea…?

My goodness, this is all looking very neat – I really should do some gardening (eeeurgh)….

… when suddenly there was an almighty outcry, as a flock of small garden birds shot past, followed by about ten corvids, followed by this buzzard.

It’s inconceivable that the buzzard (a smallish male) was chasing the others, because they don’t – in fact, buzzards are hugely more likely to be attacked by corvids than the other way round – so I guess they must all have been getting out of the way of Something Else. What that might have been I couldn’t say, because after the buzzard went through peace and silence returned. I then went to look for R, and cake was eaten.

Apart from this brief trip out in search of cake birds, and a choir rehearsal this evening, I’ve barely lifted my head out of Lightroom all day.

Must take fewer photos….