R seems to think that this tulip has gone over, but I’d say it has another week or so in it. What do you guys think?
I’d been hoping for some outdoor photo action today, but the weather let me down again: dreary, cold and mizzly – and that was just me. So I spent most of the day at my desk, back processing, tidying files, and doing fresh backups – all valuable stuff, but sooooo boring that by mid-afternoon I was going stir-crazy. I was still vaguely pondering a photo walk – but then I went outside for quarter of an hour to fill the bird feeders and do a bit of tidying up, and it was so horrid out there that I came in chilled to the bone and cross as a wasp; at which point the photo walk went out of the window, as it were, and I had to look for something else to photograph. Believe it or not, I’ve been saving the tulips I bought a fortnight ago for just such an occasion… so there we are. Dereliction. Some of the other pics in the series have very selective focus, but for this one I stacked a couple of hand-held shots to give more depth of field.
This evening R and I have watched the final pair of episodes in the current series of Spiral, which was so tense that it necessitated drinking lots of wine, and eating the contents of the fridge. I’m now going to lie down in a darkened room with a cold flannel on my forehead.