
posted in: My garden, Trees, Wild animals, Worcestershire | 0



I’m not sure what… oh! That! Yes, sorry! Didn’t know what we were talking about there for a minute!

No. Not me.

No, no, no. Definitely not.

Ummmm….. I just came over in case you might be having … issues.

Well, you know – with those flying wassnames.

Birds, yes. With the birds.

Well, they’re greedy, aren’t they? So I thought I’d sit here, you know, and guard all this, ummm…. seed, so they don’t eat it. Must be costing you a fortune.

Say what again?

Whiskers? No, I don’t think I’ve got anything on my whiskers…..

Right, well, if you don’t need help, I’d best be pressing on then. Things to do, you know? I might look in again later though… Just to check how everything’s getting on here…….
