I’ve had a pretty slow day today – apart from a brisk walk around the village, and a slower one down to my neighbour’s pond to take this photo, most of it was spent either at my desk or doing bits of domestic engineering. I’ve also been talking weddings with Child One, and being an excellent multi-tasker I managed to combine one of our several phone conversations with walking round the house flicking a duster (and choking gently on the clouds of dust I was raising). This effort made me feel almost like a Proper Housewife and Mother – though I confess that I was wearing neither makeup nor pinny, and – worse yet – provided R with neither a tasty home-cooked meal nor a freshly mixed martini this evening.
Baby steps, though. Baby steps.
Tomorrow I will mainly be driving to Wales to interview two wedding venues – and thereby, I hope, confirming my Proper Mother credentials. I will not, however, be coiffed or dressed as might be expected of the Mother of the Bride – though I may, depending on the weather forecast for the Principality, be wearing a hat.
I sense hysteria approaching – I think I’d probably better go and get some sleep. Wales and I (not to mention the MX-5) would benefit from your positive thoughts tomorrow; if we all survive each other, I hope to return bearing photos.