Today started foggy, and proceeded murkily. Down at the Avon this afternoon, the light was so flat and blue that the whole scene looked as though it needed its white balance correcting.
By the time R and I were driving back home the sun was dropping and the sky was starting to colour a little, but a decent sunset looked unlikely. As we approached Bidford we saw layers of mist lying on the golf course, and R managed to turn in to the driveway so that I could take a couple of shots, one of which I’ve added as an extra. My experience of photographing fog in the past had taught me that a telephoto lens works best – something about the way a wide angle decompresses perspective also causes it to reduce the optical effect of mist and fog – but I did what I could with the 24-70.
We then carried on down to Bidford Bridge, where the mist was thicker, so R dropped me before the traffic lights and then drove over to wait in the little car park on the south side, while I walked over to get some river shots from the middle of the bridge. Most of them were useless, because I was literally dodging the traffic by darting in and out of the refuges each time the lights changed, and the light was so poor that I was having to use a very slow shutter speed; but I managed a few reasonable ones, of which this is my favourite.