
Weather: Biblical.

Mood: Apocalyptic.

When the storm abated briefly, I rushed out with the camera to try to grab some images, heading straight to the spots in the garden that have most reliably provided me with invertebrates over the past few days. By the time I got back inside the house a few minutes later, I was sodden; I think I need an exoskeleton.

Of the photos I took that were worth keeping, this shot of one of the woundwort shieldbug nymph dormitories in the hedge woundwort patch is my favourite, because it has a kind of cheerful energy to it. I did find one other thing that interested me though, so I’m adding an extra photo tonight, of a slime mould on a rotting elder log at the far end of the wild garden. It’s commonly called Wolf’s Milk or Groening’s Slime, and is quite common, apparently, but I hadn’t run across it before.

I wrote a short essay about slime moulds the last time I posted one, so I won’t bore us all by rehashing it now, but if you’re interested in a refresher, it’s here.