
posted in: Invertebrates, Orthoptera, Worcestershire | 0

Having posted a Meadow Grasshopper yesterday, today I thought I’d present the other two common species from this area. The main image shows a strikingly marked female Lesser Marsh Grasshopper (Chorthippus albomarginatus). This species often looks quite pale and wan, … Continued

The flip

All three of these photos were taken within about ninety seconds. During the lunchtime hiatus between hospital appointments (Stratford this morning, then Warwick this afternoon) I wandered down to the wildlife pond to check for dragon exuviae, and as soon … Continued


While Banded Demoiselles of both sexes tend to flaunt themselves at popular breeding sites, in my experience they’re relatively secretive about the actual mating process. So while all the blue damselflies will form mating wheels very readily, and provided they’re … Continued