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Whenever I see wisteria I’m reminded of the Stanley Baxter line in his skit on Gone with the Wind: “Wisteria on the outside, and hysteria on the inside” – delivered in an appalling mock-Southern drawl, while dressed as a Colonial belle. I did once try to grow wisteria myself (and not just because this would have been an apt description of our household when the Offspring were young) – but the poor thing hated the place where I’d planted it, and having valiantly flowered once it promptly died of exhaustion. I haven’t tried again since.

I’m mindful that when I blipped Hall’s Croft in Stratford-upon-Avon about three months ago I said I’d rephotograph it when the wisteria was out, but though almost every property in that road is bedecked with the stuff Hall’s Croft is slightly behind – I’ll take another look at it in a week or so, by which time it should be glorious. Meanwhile though, I couldn’t resist this lovely specimen on the front of an old red-brick building next to the Shakespeare Institute in Church Street.

My extra shot today was captured in Costa at lunch time; I call it “Body language”. Both shot with the 85mm, which is definitely a keeper!