
This was a surprise. With L and H both due home for a quick visit I knew I wouldn’t have much time for photography today, so I went out early to my neighbours’ orchard pond, and found both yesterday’s fresh Southern Hawkers still there. The male I posted yesterday had changed his perch in the meanwhile, though not by much, but this female was in exactly the same spot, deep in the reeds. Both had coloured up a little more.

I was pleased to capture this image, because I was shooting through quite heavy foliage that was moving rapidly back and forth in a gusty breeze, so there was a lot of standing and waiting, several high-speed bursts of shots that netted me nothing but blur, and not a little quiet cursing, before this gap opened up enough for me to focus properly on the dragon’s head. Moments later it closed again, and she disappeared from view.

R: C2, D2.