
As I’m currently perched on top of the European Unprocessed Raw Files Mountain, I took advantage of a wet day to try to reduce the size of the problem, and over more hours than I care to calculate, managed to edit, cull, and upload to the family Dropbox five sets of photos of the Boy Wonder. I’m now zorsted and cross-eyed, but relieved to have made some progress.

When the rain eased at lunch time I whizzed around the garden, in search of a flower to photograph for today’s post, but struggled with most of my potential subjects because of a strong, gusty wind. Luckily the first forget-me-nots are out in the secret garden, and they’re low enough to the ground to be relatively unaffected by the wind. I love these tiny flowers, and they’re a magnet for several solitary bee species, so I’m happy to let them run to seed and wander around the garden at will.

In other, less happy, news, the tulip pot I put on the patio the other day has been devastated by something or other: four of the eight furled leaf shoots have been taken off at soil level, along with the developing flowers they contained, and not even eaten but simply discarded next to the pot. I can’t be sure, but my best guess is that the culprit is a squirrel – and probably the same one that has bitten off numerous primrose flowers from a neighbouring planter. I recently halved the number of bird feeders available to the squirrels by putting a baffle on the feeder crook, and R said, jokingly, that he thinks one of them is taking revenge. I wish I could be certain he was wrong, but instead I find myself wondering what the next stage of its campaign of petty vandalism might entail.