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I realised at dinner time that I hadn’t touched the camera all day, so I set off a little early to choir practice so that I could stop en route and get a shot for Wide Angle Wednesday. The extra photo on here today is the one I was planning to use – the thing I like about it is the fact that despite the wide angle, on the last little curve of hillside before the horizon you can just make out what might be the stripes from a set of ancient ridge and furrow cultivation lines. I must try to remember to go out in the same kind of light with a less distorting lens to get a more descriptive shot of that hillside.

Anyway, as I was driving home after choir the light and the cloud forms steadily became more interesting, and in the end I couldn’t resist stopping the car again and popping into a field to take this shot. The red light towards the left of shot is a marker of some kind on Bredon Hill; theĀ  “star” in the shot is, I think, the planet Venus.