
posted in: Bees, Invertebrates, My garden, Worcestershire | 0

Lavender seems to have a reputation in some quarters of thriving on neglect, but I have to say, that hasn’t been my experience: I neglect it, and it dies. So it’s come as a surprise to me that last year’s French lavender, planted in a large pot on the patio as a summer annual, has not only survived the winter but is now back in flower. It’s generally covered in bees and hoverflies, but today the weather turned mizzly and I had to wait a few minutes for this Common Carder worker to show up. I particularly like the rich mix of colours in this image.

On the subject of neglect, we’re now half way through No Mow May. Along with No Weeding May, and No Housework May. Personally I think it’s going very well, but I’m not sure all my neighbours agree: someone suggested to me yesterday that the wild flower meadow at the front of the house makes the place look abandoned, and might attract the wrong kind of attention. If by this he meant burglars, they’ll need to bring a machete to hack their way to the door, and if they’re hoping to steal anything valuable they’ll need to bring that with them as well.

R: C1 D1.