Passion flower

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…. is what I’m called by absolutely no-one who knows me.

I bought this Passiflora caerulea yesterday: after an administratively trying morning at the salt mine I thought I deserved a free coffee, so I popped in to Waitrose to wave my membership card at them and wound up spending £20 on plants. Asyoudo. Then when I got home I was so taken with my rain-splattered iris that I blipped that instead, and the passion flower was put on hold till today.

CH was delighted to see it, and to hear that I want it planted between the stumps of the old Leylandii hedge so it can grow up the south-facing wall of the yard. Leastwise, he said “Oh joy”, though I have to say, his tone left something to be desired. I shall have to remind him that a boy’s best friend is his mattock.

This was shot with the 31mm extension tube on the 85mm lens. If you haven’t already popped in to look at the entries for Walking Wombat’s challenge May Macro Mayhem, I do recommend that you take a look – there have been some glorious images uploaded with that tag.

On my way to work this morning, The Cars’ Just What I Needed came on my iPod. I was driving through lovely scenery at the time, with the sun shining, and as I squawked along to a song I’ve always loved I was aware of being thoroughly happy. And then I remembered that the thing that makes me even happier than The Cars performing this song is Punch Brothers covering it. And then, if you like that – try this.

Happy Friday!